Minggu, 25 Desember 2011


persepsi akan menentukan perilaku,
perilaku yang dilakukan terus-menerus akan menjadi kebiasaan,
kebiasaan akan menentukan nasib kita,
 maka, mulai saat ini mari kita ubah persepsi kita yang salah,
persepsimu tentangku,
persepsiku tentangmu,,,
 mari kita saling memaafkan, dan meninggalkan beban masa lalu beserta kenangan negatif yang mengiringinya...

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Aeng moo sae –Parrot-- [OST Princess Hours]

I miss you again, like yesterday.
Won’t this feeling of missing you, lessen any?
I keep thinking about you.

The more I try to sort through it all, the more the tears come.
Even when I try to steal it, the memories spread into
different memories through the tears that I shed.
It makes me cry so painfully.

All I can do is regret, because all I ever did was receive.
But I’m afraid you’ll forget me because I’ve never gave you anything.

I love you, I, I love you
These words have become a habit
and these words are among the many I’ve learned from you.
I sit around alone mumbling to myself like a fool.
I’m sorry truly, truly, I’m sorry.
I’m even sorry that these words are so late
But I’m waiting here for you shamelessly
Will you by chance come back tomorrow?

Even if the birdcage that represented you was narrow
I still liked it, I was still happy.
I’m returning to the day, to my dreams
when I believed in a forever without seperation

If I could go back I’d gather my heart, I’d take everything
from it and give it you.

I love you, I, I love you
These words have become a habit
and these words are among the many I’ve learned from you.
I sit around alone mumbling to myself like a fool.
I’m sorry truly, truly, I’m sorry.
I’m even sorry that these words are so late
But I’m waiting here for you shamelessly
Will you by chance come back tomorrow?

My heart..
In the end even if you can’t come
and you’ve changed and I’m not the one for you any longer
I’ll call and call out to you again
Like a parrot calling only your name..
Wishing for only your love like this

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Angin Desember

Di tengah desas desus angin desember aku kembali membaca sebuah pesan untukku yang kau selipkan diantara update status facebookmu.
Sesuatu yang sama kita tahu, yang sama kita rasa.
Yang kau tahu tentang ku tanpa perlu ku ucapkan, sesuatu yang ku tahu tentangmu tanpa pernah kau bisikkan.
Yang hanya perlu kita sama pahami satu sama lain, yang hanya menuntut keyakinan hati diri masing-masing.
Aku masih ingin terus mempercayaimu.